Thursday, July 24, 2008

Another weekly update

Damn downswing just doesn't end.

Made at least one bad play this week. Hand1.

Hand1 Comments included.
Hand2 Didn't want to scare tight player out of the hand.
Hand3 Against aggressive player, I let him bluff me with nothing.

This week's graph

Friday, July 18, 2008

Weekly update

Time for a weekly update.

(comments included in hands)

And this week's graph.

Sick bad luck, bad beats + 5 mistakes = result. Still got money for NL50 , so no worries.

Monday, June 30, 2008

First $1000 (in poker account)

Finally! From $270 to $1000 in 21days, would have $1150 without one withdraw.
I changed a bit my strategy: I'll play AK/AKs much looser and small pairs tighter. Hopefully NL100 this year if I'm lucky.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Good and shitty

Good play: Hand1
Shitty play: Hand2
Tried to be super tricky.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Lost some money, some because of bad luck and some because I had been awake for too long. Can't blame my skills, I made bad calls etc. which I would normaly fold. Now I have set new rules which are following:
§1. max 2hour sessions. new session after 15minute break.
§2. 10hours after waking up, no more poker.

I write down to my notebook when I wake up and when I have to stop playing and I'll use egg timer for the rule number 2.

I still kick ass.
Bankroll now ~$600

Friday, June 13, 2008

Short update

Smart and cheap bluffing Hand1
Close one! Hand2

I'm playing very nicely now, got a great confidence and winning shitloads of moneyh!

Bankroll over 800 now.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

New start

New start at iPoker with help of Poker Tracker 3, both are awesome. I play now NL50 short handed 5-6 tables, end of the year hopefully NL100. No goals, just play my best and get shitloads hands of course.
Bankroll now over $600, won today 9 buyins, nice start for my new beginning. I'm not anymore beginner and I don't make many mistakes anymore so I'll post less handhistories now on. Changed a bit blog's theme too. Simple and nice now. SUBSCRIBE TO MY BLOG RSS OR BOOKMARK THIS PAGE THANKS.

Monday, January 28, 2008


I don't know how I managed to do this play.

Should fold. Too sick bet from him. He wanted to protect his set from the draws *_*.

Shitty call.

Nice milking.

I made a blocking bet, should fold rly.

Standard style to play aces.


Opponent was LAG and I tought I'll get some nice value if he has a flushdraw. Well that was a big fail. Should not play that tricky anymore.

I think I'll start playing stupid when I win much. Should take a break after big win or big lose.

Profit: -$49
Total: +$228,35

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I'm learning

Stupid river check by me.

Stupid turn check by me.

Stupid turn+river check by me. SHOULD KEEP BETTING. He really doesn't have an ace if he just calls that flop.

Small gambling call again.

I knew he had a same hand and probably he knew too. I almost pushed all in @ river to get him fold his AK. A bit higher bet @ river would be nice, 10dollars or something.

I think I played this hand perfectly :).

Proud of this hand too.

"I promise next time I'll have +100 at least ;P."
DONE! At this point I have raked $642 and will get ~40% of it back so it's ~$250

Here's a nice graph of 9240 hands.

Profit: +$110
Total: +$277,35

Friday, January 11, 2008


Nice royal flush draw but had to fold it.

Gambling call I think.


Stupid play on the river. Block bet was fine but calling all in was NOT! If player isn't über fish you should fold when someone bets after your blocking bet.

Same mistake as in Hand3 + stupid check on the flop. Always bet!

This hand was quite crazy. Better players said just a call on the flop is better play, then watch what other does. If player has shittier hand than my hand, he would not call my all in. Also when player miniraises my quite huge pf raise, he must have a big pair.

My grinding has been too slow because I have made too many mistakes. I promise next time I'll have +100 at least ;P.

Profit: +35
Total: +167

Monday, January 7, 2008

Slow grinding

Fast update.

Gambling. Shitty hand.

Should have value bet.

His turn bet small + had two overcards, bad fold.

Again gambling with bad hand.
12:49 <@Alieni> pelaat ihan vitun tyhmästi noi huonot kädet, ja lisäks pelaat vitun tyhmästi hyvätkin kädet.
In english: you play fucking stupid. :E

My AA got cracked.

Reraise @ flop and I would have +buyin. Should not slowplay.

Miniraise @ river would be good.

Should push all in if someone reraises u and u got teh nuts.

Again stupid gambling.

Quite obvious that I had the best hand but I betted too much (pot size)

12:53 <@Alieni> kaikist parast on lyödä aina cbetti ja hakee check-raisee turnil oopista jos uskoo, et vihu lyö. Jossei usko ni lyö turniakin.
12:53 <@Alieni> Ni vihu o iha vitu kujal
12:54 <@Alieni> Mut suurinosa on melkee parast lyödä kolmee streettii valuee monstereil.
12:54 <@Alieni> Sielt tulee välil ihme maksui.
12:54 <@Don-Diego> kyl mie löisin toho floppi, en ehkä mitää isoa mut sen verra et sais jotai valuee tonne
12:54 <@Don-Diego> menee muute iha hukkaa toi käsi
12:54 <@Alieni> Mitä enemmän saa kaverin comitettua pottiin -> sen parempi.
12:55 <@Alieni> Mä yleensä lyön 200:ssa ihan samaa määrää cbettii ja monsteril
12:55 <@Alieni> ja sit turnil vast kikkaa, tai riippuen vihust suoraa valuee.
12:55 <@Don-Diego> miul on suht samat noi lyöntien koot kyl aina

In english: bet normaly with monsters or at least small bets etc.

My AA got cracked (AGAIN)

What I learned: Less gambling and slowplaying = more profit :I.

Profit: +52
Total: +132

Friday, January 4, 2008

Swings a lot

Two days from last post, I post rarely when i'm losing money :I. Forgot to say in last post that I'm heading to NL100 this year.

What I should have done: call turn, call/fold river.

Nice pot for me.

My hero call fails. Both deepstack :/.

I normally would not bet when i'm in middle position.

Don't check river with a full house -_-


I was thinking about if enemy has a set, but thinking now I was quite pot comited and just had to push the river. Good result tho.

Profit: +$15

Total: +$80

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Back to playing serious poker

So I started studying geology, but I think I got enough time for poker too. ~1.5h - 3h / day each day, so I leave some time for studying too.
I got bankroll to play in NL50, I'll play max 6 player tables. I installed poker office back, I think it's quite nice to have tho not nessesary. Winter 2008 strategy main themes are discipline, short sessions and focus.
Enough bullshit, here is some hands from first session.

Not much to say, got quite good value.

He milked me quite well.

Terrible two-outer suckout.

Max value. I made a small bet on the flop to trick him to bluff.

Today's profit: +$65