Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy new year!

Bankroll before today: $690

Bad start today, awful river: Hand1

I was about -60 before I started win some hands.

Thanks for the money: Hand2

New year eve fish overload:
Tripled up! Hand3

Thanks again: Hand4

This guy tried to bluff me after he didn't catch his flush: Hand5

So I went +65 up today.

Bankroll after today: $755

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Pocket rockets

Bankroll before today: $690

I played this hand quite badly and lost some money. Hand1 Should had to reraise on the flop or at least fold at the river.

I played this hand quite ok but lost money again: Hand2

The dream flop: Hand3

And now to my nightmare. Hand4 I had trips on other table sametime where I doubled up easily. Software closed two other tables same time, I don't know why. At the turn I had to really think about what is going on in this hand, big pot and many people in and my bet was quite random. I lost almost two buy-ins in this hand.

I managed to get my daily profit back to zero.

Bankroll after today: $690, +-0

Friday, December 29, 2006

Do you feel my power?

Bankroll before today: $660

Nice start: Hand1

I didn't bet enough preflop and got too many people against on flop: Hand2

I wished AAvsQQ for comeback and I actually got it: Hand3

I had many outs for this hand @ turn, nice Hand4

Last hand today and nice double up Hand5 good call @ river :D

Bankroll after today: $690 , +30 up

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Not much action today

Bankroll before today: $625

Today I won some small pots and some a bit bigger, no double ups. +35$ up today and I'm quite happy for it. I show only one stupid hand today and here we go: Hand

Bankroll after today: $660

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Rollercoaster and bonus cleared

Bankroll before today: $525

Day started nicely: Hand1 and everything was fine until I called this 10 dollars all-in because I tought it was 0,10dollars: Hand2 I actually had good odds for that but didn't hit.

You decide, bad play or not? Hand3

So anyway, I dropped to something like $485 and then my luck came back: Hand4 . I also got some other good wins and day was overall +-0.

I cleared today my $100 bonus. Best thing today.

Bankroll after today: $625

I opened my poker blog today.

Playing at the moment Texas Hold'Em No Limit 25max buy in cashgames, full and short. Sometimes I play some freerolls with good prizepool for practise. Bankroll is now ~$525. You can find me from Betsson's pokerroom, nickname I_DONT-BLUFF.